All movies starring Christian Stolte

Public Enemies (2009) poster

Public Enemies (2009) ★ 7.0

America, 1930s. Daring attacks made John Dillinger the hero of all oppressors and a prime target for top agent Melvin Purvis and Bureau of Investigation director John Edgar Hoover. No one could stop the Dillinger gang. No prison could hold him back. As the adventures of the dashing gang, joined by Little Nelson and Alvin Karpis, inspire angry citizens, Hoover decides to take the opportunity to turn the Bureau of Investigation into the nation's premier law enforcement organization, the FBI.
Chicago Fire (2012–) poster

Chicago Fire (2012–) ★ 8.0

Genres: Action Drama
The story of firefighters and paramedics in the city of Chicago, both on a personal and professional level.